News list for " mellor"

UK judge bans Craig Wright from using Satoshi's name to sue others

A British judge, James Mellor, granted the COPA injunction, which would prevent Craig Wright from taking another person to court in the name of Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto. James Mellor also said he would refer Craig Wright to the Crown Prosecution Service for consideration of perjury charges.

2024-07-16 15:31:26
英国法官:禁止Craig Wright使用中本聪名义起诉他人

一名英国法官James Mellor批准了COPA的禁令,其中将禁止Craig Wright再次以比特币创建者中本聪 (Satoshi Nakamoto) 的名义将他人告上法庭。James Mellor还表示,将把Craig Wright提交皇家检察署,考虑以伪证罪起诉他。

2024-07-16 15:31:26